Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tremor Totem for sale....

So most of the Cataclysm class updates are out and everybody is either upset or happy with their class. I for one am so disgusted I am probably canceling my subscription this month...forget about waiting for cataclysm. Here is the deal. I have a shaman, level 80 gear score 5295. Not impressive but is my baby, my main and is the main reason I play the game. I really do love my shaman. I love its uniquiness and I love playing with my totems. (you knew I was not going to talk shaman without talking about playing with my wood!)

So here is my take on what Blizzard has done with the shaman in Cataclysm. They had one big ass yard sale and parceled out anything a shaman had to all the other classes. For example...

To the mages go Blood Lust...not only do they bring a table but now they bring a form of BL that also gives them a movement burst so the main reason for even bringing a shaman is gone...

To the Pallies go Healing Stream AND Cleanse form of spells that turn them into a healing stream which Blizzard them selves said would act as a Healing Stream Totem and they will be getting the cleanse disease and cleanse poison that the shaman cleanse totem does.

It basically comes down to this...shamans got royally fucked in Blizzard's grand scheme for Cataclysm. However, I thought in an attempt at good will I could give blizzard some suggestions.

Shaman Canibalization (level 1) Spell granted to all classes except shamans. Allows party members to take shaman body parts and uses them as projectiles. Thus giving the shaman a unique part to play in every raid. Resto shaman parts, rather than being thrown, would be used to heal party members. 5 second cooldown

Save a drake, Ride a Shaman! New mount available for all classes! Shamans will become a rideable mount in Cataclysm, so everybody will be able to appreciate this no longer unique class. Engineers will be able to make this mount but all classes and professions will be able to ride the fuck out of it. As an added bonus players will be able to fuck the orifice of their choice. A strap on dildo attachment will be available for female players that do not want to be left out of the action.

See? With these unique ideas, shamans will have a unique role to play in the upcoming expansion. Thanks Blizzard for fucking nothing! I will be changing my shaman's name to Blzzassfkdme and will be the troll sitting in front of the north bank with a sign that says...will suck pally dick for BoEs.


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