Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ice Crown Citadel: Bloodwing

Ice Crown Citadel: Plague Quarter

Ice Crown Citadel: Frostwing Quarter (Boss Encounter Videos)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Addon of the Day...Addon Control Panel

If you have a lot of addons, which in my case I do, they can be a little bit of a pain. In my case I have so many that when I go into a 25 man raid they slow me down and give me all kinds of problems. Of course, if I am in a raid I only actually need a handful of them. So next step is to log out and turn off the ones I want and then log in. Not that big a deal but a minor inconvenience to a guy like me. Besides, when I log back in I still have to fly to venomspite, especially if the Alliance are holding the Summoning Stone hostage and there is no lock in the group. This is where the Addon Control Panel comes in as a convenience.

Name: Addon Control Panel

Category: Addons


Description: An addon where when you escape and the menu pulls up for macros, key bindings, logout, exit game, return to game, etc. The addon adds an option to the list, the Addon Control. I click on it and check off the addons I want turned off. When I hit accept it reloads UI and turns off the addons

Features: (Note: this is copied from ACP adds the "Addons" button to the game's main menu (The one you get when you hit ESC). It allows you to manage your addons in game, with an interface which looks similar to the blizzard addon manager. ACP will help you deal with the "Clutter" that multi-part addons and libraries introduce by displaying your addons in logical arrangements. ACP has many features to make your addon list easy to manage, help you with missing libraries, and provide you with detailed information about each addon.

Rating: 3 stars, is helpful if you have a lot of addons, otherwise it is pretty useless.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year Azeroth!

Well it is another year in our little world and I have a couple of WoW New Year Resolutions to make!

(1) Get that stupid green proto drake from that Oracles Egg so I can stop buying that damn thing every day! A friend of mine says there is a magical, lucky spot in your bags, but I haven't quite figured it out.

(2) Get my hunter to 80...this shouldn't be to hard since he is already 74, but you never know...this may be a repeatable resolution!

(3) Kill Arthas...multiple times!

(4)Level a druid...also a resolution just primed to be forgotten!'s a new year so from one WoW player to you...

May your New Year be Epic, may your weapon always proc, your buffs never fade and may the blessing of regeneration be on you and your family! Happy New Year.

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